Monday, February 11, 2008

Page 11


9. Take wire to the back of the pistil don’t cut it.





10. Curve the light blue petal and lay pistil on the petal as in picture. Using remaining wire at the top of the pistil wrap this around petal stem.




11. Pass the other wire (the one you weaved through the pistil) through the petal and back stitch pistil in place with the wire.




12. You might want to use a pliers for this so that you can wire it firmly in place.






13. Snip the surplus wire. Squeeze up the petal at top. Make another two in the same way.







14. Take three pieces of stem wire and bind together tightly with green 28g wire to within 14cm (5½ “) of base. Cover the wired part with florist tape. Securely wire petal to the top of the stem to a ¼ of the way down bending the petal back as in picture.


15. Repeat for the other two light blue petals spacing them evenly around the stem.

16. Add a dark blue petal between each of the pale blue ones binding these in the same way.



17. Bend the ends of the stem wire so you can stand the almost completed flower up.

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