Monday, February 11, 2008

Page 11


9. Take wire to the back of the pistil don’t cut it.





10. Curve the light blue petal and lay pistil on the petal as in picture. Using remaining wire at the top of the pistil wrap this around petal stem.




11. Pass the other wire (the one you weaved through the pistil) through the petal and back stitch pistil in place with the wire.




12. You might want to use a pliers for this so that you can wire it firmly in place.






13. Snip the surplus wire. Squeeze up the petal at top. Make another two in the same way.







14. Take three pieces of stem wire and bind together tightly with green 28g wire to within 14cm (5½ “) of base. Cover the wired part with florist tape. Securely wire petal to the top of the stem to a ¼ of the way down bending the petal back as in picture.


15. Repeat for the other two light blue petals spacing them evenly around the stem.

16. Add a dark blue petal between each of the pale blue ones binding these in the same way.



17. Bend the ends of the stem wire so you can stand the almost completed flower up.

Page 12

Large and small leaves, both worked the same instructions for large leaf in [].

1. Using 26g green wire fill at least a clip_image002meter/yard with green size 11 seed beads.




Knot end. Large leaf will be in parenthesis [ ]. Push 14cms [20cms] 5½’’[8”] of beads up to knot end. Leave another 14cm [14], 5½”[8”] of bare wire and make a loop as you did for the petals.


clip_image0042. Drop down 18 [24] beads down from the knot wire until they rest at the twist of the loop end. Push enough bead up from the spool end to wrap theses beads. This time wrap at an angle when you wrap the knot end wire so that it forms a point and at 90˚ angle at the bottom of the leaf to keep this part rounded.



                                                             3. Push 3 clip_image006[3] beads down from knot end and with spool end wrap at an angle around the top of these beads. Take spool filled wire down to the base and wrap. Repeat 1 [3] more times. Finish off wrapping spool wire around twisted loop wire and cut about 2½cms. 1’’ from this point.





4. To finish off bring knot end wire down and take the wire under the twisted wire and wrap this firmly around twisted base wire. Cut this and the loop as you did for the petals.





clip_image0105. Back stitch large petal with 28g green wire







                                                              6 . Make 2 small leaves and 1 large.

Page 13


1. Start binding top of stem around green wire to hide it with florist tap but don’t cut it away.

2. Tweak both large and small petals at the pointed end, to bring the rows to more of a point

3. Attach small petals as follows. Curve in both of the small petals and place near to the top of the stem. Using the wire from the leaf, secure to the stem and continue wrapping with the florist tape to half way between the bottom of these leaves and the end of the wrapped part of the wire.

4. Attach large leaf firmly with the wire end of the leaf. Squeeze the bottom of the leaf around stem and wrap with florist tape. If it needs extra support to hold it in place use a piece of 26g green wire and take this through the leaf and around the stem hiding it with florist tape if need be.
